Holy stinking cow, its February already! How insane is that? You have only 5 months left of this school year, You only have 2 more months of cold weather, and you only have 2 more days till we kick off one of the greatest series of all time!
The Relationships Series! - Big explosion, Cool Fire Pillars, Confetti, Sparklers! Wahoo! The crowd is cheering :)
Alright you get the point, this coming wednesday we are going to be running straight into relationships with the opposite sex. The first two weeks we are going to be dropping some knowledge on the men on what you need to know before you date, now for the ladies this doesn't mean you don't come because when we are talking to the men about this stuff, the qualities we talk about you need to be looking for in a man!
We have got some awesome stuff planned, and some really challenging issues we are going to be facing head on as a youth group of 1!
So come and hang out this Wednesday with us and I encourage you to bring your significant other to this series, because you both will have a lot to talk about these series so bring them. If you are afraid to bring them to a series like this, I would pose the question why? Because we are going to give you the tools to bring your relationship front and center with God! If you don't want that there is no way you should be dating you should be on your knees crying out to God!
We are going to bring it like it has never been braughten (I know don't judge the spelling) before!
Also we are going to be having our Purity Ceremony on Feb 24th with a guest speaker coming in, and we are inviting all Parents to be part of this ceremony! Be looking for an invitation coming your way.
I am still working on the Permission slip ordeal, if we don't have it up by tomorrow. I will be printing them out and handing them out on Wednesday night! Thank you for being patient!
4 years ago
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