Man last nights hockey game between USA and Canada, was amazing! If you didn't watch you need to because it was wicked awesome!
Anyways, this week for the crystal valley youth group is a busy one! We have our 3rd Annual Purity Ceremony this week and I am so excited for it. I hope that everyone who is reading this will be a part of this amazing time. This year we are going to be running it a little bit differently. We aren't going to be giving anything out as a youth group, because we really want to have families making the investment into their son/daughters purity.
One of the best ways to do this is to come on Wednesday night and pray together with your son/daughter. Now so many people come to these purity ceremony nights and think its all about confessing sins and saying we aren't going to have sex till you are married. This year is going to be different, because I know we have had some students this year stay pure in their relationships, I know we have had some students come through really hard stuff this year and we can celebrate that on Wednesday night so don't think that this is all come confess your sins and feel guilty, but if you have made it an entire year and you have stayed pure lets celebrate that!
So this coming Wednesday night parents and students come to CVMC at 6:30 and bring a dessert to share. It will be a night to remember!
4 years ago
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