Tonights sessions will be powerful, truth will be taught and students lives will be changed tonight. That is the leaderships prayer for tonight's session we are asking for those who read this and are keeping up with us up here at camp, that you would pray for God's mercy and love to flow down on these students tonight, for God to show up in such a mighty way that these students will never be the same.
Please pray for us tonight, we start our night off at 7:30. The band is warming up, the slides are done, the video's uploaded, and the students ready! We understand that if tonight comes and goes that we still have an insurmountable things that we can praise God for, but we honestly believe that tonight we will see students rescued from the pits of hell, and brought into the light of Christ. And only Jesus Christ can do that and that is why we are fully relying on Jesus to move tonight in our mist.
Please be praying, please be excited for your students to come home tomorrow. Your students have heard truth this weekend and we know that what we sow, so shall we reap. And we want to reap a harvest of students lives changed, and a generation moving towards Christ.
To God be the Glory!
4 years ago
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