Man, this coming Wednesday night is going to be off the wall awesome! Like the games we have planned, the worship is going rock your socks off, and then we are going to be talking a Page 23 vision. Don't what that is? Mmmm weird, well I guess you should come this Wednesday night and find out what it all means.
So this Wednesday night come on out at 6:30pm to 8:30pm, to the Crystal Valley Missionary Church over here on US 20.
We would love to have all students between the grades of 7th - 12th. We have so much fun I promise you won't want to miss it.
Also this coming Wednesday we are supposed to get hit with a ton of snow, as of right now we are planning on having youth group. I don't like to cancel just because of stupid snow. But if the weather is pretty bad, check on here around 4pm because that is when we are going to be driving around checking the roads. Now if the school cancels that doesn't mean we do automatically. So check on here at 4pm, we will also put it on Facebook, twitter, and both major news outlets. Channel 16, and Channel 22.
Hope to see you this coming Wednesday night!
4 years ago