Hey there everyone I hope your day is going well I know mine started off awesome with having breakfast with some students at the Village inn today and man they have good breakfast!
Tonight we are going to be diving into prayer and we are going to be talking a couple verses in 1 John 5, and then in Acts 4. They are great verses about prayer and how we pray with boldness.
I am so pumped to see what God is going to be doing tonight.
Also just another reminder that tonight the Permission slips and Money are due for the Big Chill! Don't forget those tonight. If you need help paying for the trip please come and talk with me because we want as many students that can go on this trip go! So please come and talk to me tonight.
Also we have extra permission slips here at the church so have your parents come in with you tonight to sign the permission slip before they go!
Can't wait to see you guys tonight.
4 years ago
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