Holy cow everything another 2 hour delay that's pretty boss! <---- That is a great word to throw out today my friends!
So this coming Wednesday night we are going to be talking about Prayer, and being a Juggernaut! I am so stinking pumped for this because God is doing some amazing things in our students! So keep seeking after God, and keep moving towards Him with everything you have!
I am sorry I didn't text you this morning with the devotional, I woke up late and I will be honest with you I totally forgot about it until you guys were already in school, so I will text you it tonight sometime so if you haven't spent time with God today you could do it then!
A couple things I want to remind you about.....
1. The Big Chill Money and permission slips are all due this Wednesday night so don't forget to bring those! This Retreat is so stinking awesome, I promise you will not want to miss this trip!
2. IF you are going to be bringing a friend to our retreat, please please please make sure they get a permission slip in because we need to know how many students to feed :) We have plenty of spots for people to sleep but we need to know how much food to tell them to get! Kinda important! :)
So this Wednesday is going to stinking Rock! So come expecting God to move because He will do amazing things if you come ready!
Can't wait to see ya this Wednesday night!
4 years ago
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