Hey there everyone, I hope things are going well for you! Man last night was super fun. Let me Recap:
1. We did a really cool thing last night with a shredder, last night during our last song called "Grace like Rain" we brought a shredder to the stage, and we had students write down anything they wanted to get rid of in their lives. Sin, bad decisions, anything they wanted to get rid of they could. They wrote it on a piece of paper and put it in the shredder. It was awesome, I can honestly say we had almost 100% participation in this. It was super cool!
2. We talked about Jesus going the Extra mile in Luke 5. Where he didn't just heal the leapor, He touched him! He didn't have to, he could of just spoke into being and he could of been on His way but he didn't he stopped and made something clean that wasn't clean. I love it!
3. We talked about how we can go the extra mile for people, like this summer with our urban plunge missions trip, with helping in preteen, with getting on board with our student impact team, coming early on Wednesday and helping get things set up. We have so many opportunities at REFUGE to go the extra mile for others its awesome!
I hope you have a great day today, do something Risky for God today!
4 years ago
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