Hey there everyone, I hope things are going well with you today. I want to tell you of 2 things today.
1. Small Group outings are tomorrow night, and from the sound of it, they are going to rock. We have some groups going to restaurants, some are going to play sports together, and I even hear some are going to try to break the record of points at Cici's pizza! I believe the record is right around 60. (2 points for every piece of pizza, 1 for everything else) I know impressive! Please contact your small group leaders to see where you are going if you have missed the past couple weeks. If you don't have their contact information for some reason please email me at cvmcadam@gmail.com.
2. Urban plunge information meeting: Thursday night at 6pm - 7pm. This is where we are going to be walking through what it is all about to go on an urban plunge missions trip. We will be going over what they will be doing that week, all the details of what to bring, and you will hear from students, and leaders who have gone before and what they have experienced. I promise these trips will be worth going on and they are so stinking awesome. So if you are able to join us that night please bring your students with you who are planning on going on this trip because they will want to hear from the leaders and students.
I hope you have a great day today, here is a little video for you to start your day.
4 years ago
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