Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life or Death

So this is a call to all prayer warriors. God has pressed on my heart to really push some of our students in some area's of their lives that might be hard to let go or even talk about!

In Duet 30, it talks about how God gives us a choice to choose life or death in our decisions.

There have so many people in our youth ministry that has been choosing death, and I can't do that!
We have to care about choosing life every day! I can't tell you how amazing it is when we do choose life, I know I don't do it all the time, but I want to seek after life in Christ, I want to seek after God with everything I have. That might mean I give up things "I" want and do things that "God" wants.

If you don't care about whats going on you slip into the "Who cares" attitude. YOU HAVE LOST! GAME OVER! Satan has won, and you will fall on your face. You need to listen to truth, and if you hear truth and don't do anything with. Paul says when you fall on your face you will look stupid to everyone! (Well that is my paraphrase of it). I am telling you right now when you come on Wednesday nights and you hear the word of God being spoke into and over your life and you still choose to not care and live your life without the direction of God. Then you are a fool Paul says.

I am letting you know guys I am tired of hearing about our students doing things that shouldn't be! This choosing God encompasses all area's of life. Texting, talking to your friends, myspace, facebook, the way you do homework, worship, relaxing, EVERYTHING! We can't let Satan get a foothold in our lives, and in our youth group.

Choose life today!


natehickox said...


MA Ferris said...

Wow! this is an incredible, straight forward, no crap blog. Kudos! Thank you Adam for sharing your heart. Although Brad and i are not leaders anymore, i still think about, pray for, spend time with, connect to as many of the teens as possible. This blog has encouraged me that my prayers are not in vain. I also want to say that i have faith that all of you teens who are reading this,will begin to cultivate a passion and drive to really follow Christ completely
God Bless-