Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sorry for no update yesterday!

Hey there everyone, Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was in meetings all day and I couldn't get update, but here is the down low on whats going down this week in the REFUGE!

1. We are going to be talking about integrity this coming Wednesday night! I am super pumped to talk about this, because I think this is a huge issue for students and people that are my age. Integrity has gone out the window, because if I can get a head of the game, I am going to do it by any means necessary.

Come Tomorrow night and hang out with us and have a good conversation about integrity with us!

2. If you want to help serve at the Faith Mission on the 27th, please talk with Doug Edlund tomorrow night, we are looking for like 6 students to go! So if you want to go talk with Dougie Fresh!

3. Just a reminder that we have a Parents Meeting for those students who signed up 3dyc. This will be taking place November 16th, at 6pm. We will have things for your students to do if you want to just bring them over a little bit early. But the meeting will only be a 30 minute meeting, and I just want to explain to people the new rules that are going in for 3dyc, and the transportation on how we are getting down to Ft. Wayne. I will also have a schedule to pass out to people. We will also be telling you where you can go to get updates on our 3dyc trip, and take home questions we will be preparing so you don't get the typical answer of "It was fine". We are going to supply all parents with specific questions you can ask your students when they get home, plus a "how to guide" to get the most out of your debriefing time with your students!

I hope you are all having wonderful days!

IF you have any questions please email me at cvmcadam@gmail.com


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