Hey there everyone, I hope you are all having a great day today. I know my day is shaping up to be a pretty busy but good one. A couple things I want to type as we get ready to end 2010 and head into 2011.
1. God has a plan for you this year! Maybe this past year wasn't the best year for you with Jesus, but that can all turn around this year.
2. Maybe in 2010 you felt that you were really far away from Christ, and that your prayers might have been hitting the ceiling rather then ending up in the throne room of God. 2011 can be a turn around story for you and your relationship.
3. 2010 you might have been really passive in inviting people to join you in this journey with Christ. 2011 can be totally different with you stepping up and inviting people to join you in learning about Christ and love Christ more and more every single day.
4. Maybe 2010 was a year were you experienced loss, and it left you stumbling around in search for meaning and healing. In 2011 I can promise that if you take steps towards Christ He will take steps toward you. Now that doesn't mean everything is going to get better, but I promise in the long run and when you look back at your story with Christ you will finally understand what He was trying to do in you during these hard times.
5. Maybe in 2010 you were very Self focused, in 2011 we need to be selfless focused. When we look back at this 2011 year I hope we can say we did more things for others then we did for ourselves.
I hope as you we celebrate this new year you can take some time and reflect on what God has done and is going to do in this next year.
I will be out of the blogging sphere for a couple days, so I will be back on Monday as we getting ready for our state of the youth group address on Jan 5th. That night we will be going over the spring Semester and take a look in to the summer as well on things that are coming up!
Get excited for 2011~!
4 years ago