Hey there everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday so far! I am so excited about tonight because we have an insanely awesome night planned for everyone. Make sure you come early because we have somethings we are doing right off the bat you won't want to miss. So for all of you who like to come 15 mins late, don't tonight because we have some wicked cool things for you all tonight.
Bring your bibles and pens tonight because we are going to looking at John 13 tonight and how Jesus was a great friend to those He was around, and how we can share the love of Jesus Christ with our friends with 3 things that I have pulled out of this passage so if you want to read the John 13:1 - 17 its insane the things Jesus tells us to do, but we are all about living differently.
Hence the "Be different" message series :)
I can't wait to see you all tonight. We have lots of things tonight so please come early!
Be praying for tonight!
4 years ago
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