Hey there everyone, Welcome to one of the greatest days of all time. March Madness! It begins today, so I hope all of you have a great time at school and for those who are out of school I hope you enjoy the benefits of the inter-web and watch some amazing games!
Anywho, last night was a pretty fun night, because we got to talk about how to recognize that your life is out of control, and then some steps to slow that life down to know who God really is. I hope that if you took one of those little papers that said "Be still and know that I am God" I hope that you really honestly look at that and try your best to be still.
Just a little reminder that in 2 weeks we will be having our small group outings! Thats March 31st!
Also keep 2 of our students in your prayers today, Zach Smucker and Shawne Reigsecker. Zach is sick and isn't having a fun time with that, and Shawne is having surgery to take her wisdom teeth out which one of them is infected so its a little bit more then a normal surgery so please be praying for them today!
Have an amazing day today!
4 years ago
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