Hey there everyone! I hope you are all having a lovely day. So I am thinking that it is march now and hopefully by the end of the month it will be slowly getting back up into the 40's and 50's that it would be ok to start wearing the flip flops everyday. So if you start seeing me where my flip flops again its because I am done with winter and have moved on to spring :)
Anyways this coming Wednesday night (tomorrow) is going to rock. We have some rocking new games we are going to play, a really funny game that people will laugh at. Also we are going to teaching a new song in worship tomorrow night called "Freedom is here" a great song, listen to it on YouTube before ya come its pretty awesome. Then we are starting a new series called "Be Different" we are going to be talking tomorrow night about being different in your dating! Its gonna rock something hard to the core. I am really excited about it all. We are going to give you some alternatives to a dinner and a movie that you can use while dating to make sure you are dating in a Godly way, and not in ways to get into temptation but a way to keep God at the center of your dating relationships.
So tomorrow is going to rock somethings awesome.
Also for those parents who are reading this and students for that matter, please be praying for our youth ministry. Its growing and growing fast and we are in need of much prayer. So please continue to be praying for our ministry. Thanks!
Talk with you tomorrow.
P.S. - I will be speaking tomorrow at Concord's FCA so if you are going to be at concord tomorrow come hit up the FCA event and I will be there.
4 years ago
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