Hey there everyone I am hoping you are having an awesome day!
Thank you so much for singing to me last night and having Ice cream with me it was awesome so thank you so much to my leaders, and to the all the students!
So last night we had a great time, played the game called Candy elevator, and then put chopped up Cereal Boxes together, and then played the Dirty Jobs powerpoint game! It was wicked awesome. Well done 7th and 8th grade ladies for dominating that game!
One of the main things that I want us to remember as we embark on dating relationships is that eph 5:1 needs to be at the front of your mind in everything that you do inside your dating relationships.
"Be imitators of Christ"
When you start dating you need to tell that person that this is where you hold the line and that is that I want to be an imitator of Christ Jesus! Guys especially when you have nailed down the things we talked about in the series "Things you need to know before you date" Which were
1. Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
2. Have your identity in Jesus Christ so the girl doesn't become your identity
3. Understand how to pursue a girl in Godly ways!
The first thing you need to do guys is when you want to start dating a girl is that you sit down with her father first, and then talk with her about how you are going to keep Eph 5:1 number 1 in your relationship!
Ladies in the relationship you need to help the guy keep Eph 5:1 at the front of your relationship. Ladies the guys need to lead in the relationship and if you are with a guy who isn't leading in that area, that is a major Red Flag! If you are the one dragging him to youth group, to church, or even to talk about God. You need to honestly evaluate that relationship!
We drop knowledge on Wednesday nights because we love ya!
Have an amazing weekend. Pray for me this weekend I am speaking at a conference in Dayton, OH this weekend. Thanks!
4 years ago
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