Hey there everyone! I hope you are all having a super-duper day. Not just a super day but a super-duper day, there is a difference :)
Anyways I have a couple things I want to get out to ya information wise.
1. This week is small group outings, meaning, that we don't have normal youth group at the church this Wednesday night. All the small groups are going off campus, so if you haven't made it for a couple weeks you need to contact your small group leader, or you can email me at cvmcadam@verizon.net and I can give you their number.
2. For the 7th grader guys we are heading to Cici's pizza at 6:30, we are meeting at the church at 6:30 and we will be back at 8:30 just like normal. Bring 5$ and get ready for the pizza eating contest!
3. 8th Grade guys and Freshemen guys your small group outing is happening after spring break because alot of people wont be here this coming Friday. So this week you have a week where you can spend with your family or doing your own time with God. I would highly recommend spending some time in the bible, read the book of judges for a little bit its pretty awesome!
For all the parents out there if you could continue to pray for our youth ministry, we have so many awesome students coming to our Wednesday night program that we are just wanting God to continue to move and be present in our meetings! So please continue to pray for our ministry!
Have an awesome rest of the day!
4 years ago
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