Hey there everyone, I hope things are going well with everyone. Man last nights super bowl was great! Loved being able to have a bunch of good friends over, and being able to hang out.
Here is what is going down this coming Wednesday night!
We are kicking off our dating series called "shameless" We are going to be discussing dating, sex, and everything in between. We always do a dating series in February and its one of my favorite series that we do, because almost everyone in Junior high and High school are dealing with these emotions and decisions.
Here is the break down for the 3 week series.
Week 1 - Talking about how God has an amazing plan for our dating lives, and marriages, but many times we fall into temptations and shame creeps in and starts messing with our decision making. We are going to be breaking down the fall of Adam and Eve and see how that still effects us today.
Week 2 - We are splitting Junior High and Senior high for this night, Junior high is going to be heading out with their small group leaders and heading to other end of the building and they are going to be talking specifically about Junior high dating and issues that Junior High students deal with.
High school students we are having a text-in Q & A time. This is where High school students can text in any questions they have anonymously and we have a panel of adults who are going to help students navigate through the questions that High school students have. Last year it was a fantastic time growth with some of our high school students. They got to ask honest and real questions. I love this night, so High school students bring friends, and anyone who has any questions that they might want answered!
Week 3 - Purity Ceremony, this is where we are going to be inviting students and their parents to join us in a night where we challenge and pray for our students. This night is a time we set a side for parents to have those tough conversations, and for those dad's to talk with their sons and daughters about what it means to remain pure through the hard times. We break the ice that night, and we give questions for them to discuss as families. We have seen God do some amazing things this night, we encourage everyone to join us that night!
More information will be emailed out next week about what to expect, and what to bring that night.
Can't wait for this Wednesday night to kick off our Dating series "Shameless"
Have a great day!
4 years ago
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