Hey there everyone, welcome to another week where God can do some amazing things in you and through you! Take advantage of all those opportunities that God offers you this week to make a difference in someone's life!
This coming Wednesday night is our 6th annual purity ceremony. These ceremonies can be a great tool to talk with your students about sexuality, and I promise that this night could change the trajectory of your students sexual path.
We are asking all parents of teens to be a part of this night, not because we want to fill the place with people but we want to give every parent an opportunity to talk honestly and openly to their student, and for the students to hear wisdom from scripture and others who have walked before them. We want to help them understand the traps that the enemy sets for them, and how we can avoid those snares and start changing this generations very ugly sexual habits.
Here are the details for the nights.
We start at 6:30pm, at Crystal Valley. We are asking everyone to bring a dessert to share. We are also encouraging parents to get a purity ring, necklace, or something of significance for their student. Now for those who have already for them something in past ceremonies, this is a great time talk again about what that ring means, or what it means to remain pure. Now this is not mandatory by any means, the biggest part of the night is having the parents there to talk and pray with their student.
If you have any questions please email me at cvmcadam@gmail.com. I would love to answer any questions you have!
Hope you have a great day, and I hope that we see you on Wednesday night.
4 years ago
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