Hey there everyone, yesterday I told you guys we were going to be dedicating this entire post to the purity ceremony.
Our goal with this purity ceremony is to give parents and students time to talk about some sensitive area's in a teenagers life. Sexuality and dating sometimes never get talked about because a parent might be embarrassed or the students just don't want to talk. With our purity ceremony we start breaking down walls right away. The entire school year we do Refuge in the same format, so when the students have been coming for awhile they get into that routine, it can become a comfort when they know something different is going on, like their parents are sitting next to them. We also play games this night, we do a lot of funny games where students are going up against their parents. It's a lot of fun! Then we have our regular youth worship team lead worship for the parents and the students, again this is all normal practice for the student who comes to our Refuge.
We then will have a speaker come in that isn't preaching at our students but its a time to dialogue with our students about dating and choosing to remain pure. Then we give time at the end of the night for parents and students to come together as a family to pray with one another, and for the fathers and mothers to encourage their students. This is one of my favorite times of the year because we see families all around our sanctuary praying together, and some for the first time praying out loud as a family.
So here is what we are asking of parents.
Join us February 29th, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Bring a dessert to share with everyone, and if you want to bring something you want to give to your students. Whether that is a purity ring that you can present to your student, or maybe a necklace, or maybe their own bible with their name on it. Make it meaningful for your student.
We are going to be giving the parents time at the end of our program that night to pull their families close and have those intimate talks that sometimes might be difficult to have.
This entire month we have been discussing dating, and purity so our students know this night is coming and a lot of them are really excited for it, but this night will only work well if the parents come behind the students and support them.
If you have any questions please email me at cvmcadam@gmail.com
Hope to see you there.
4 years ago
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