Hey there everyone, I hope things are going well for you on this glorious Monday. Here are a couple things you need to be aware of for this coming week.
1. Pancakes and Prayer - This Wednesday morning from 8:00am - 8:40am. At the Sharps house 14075 Claire lane. We do this once a month where we get all the students who want to wake up a little bit early and come over to Esther and I's house and we cook pancakes and we pray for one another. It's a great way to start off a day, and it creates some great memories. We are super pumped for the students to come over to our house. We hope to see a ton of students there this coming Wednesday morning!
2. Wednesday night! - This coming Wednesday night is our High school relationship Q & A. We take our Junior High students and we take them to other end of the building and they have their own talk and small group time. And we have a time for our High school students to text in and Relationship Questions they have anonymously. It's a great way for students to ask questions they have always wanted to ask but might be to embarrassed to do so.
This is a great night to invite your friends to that might have questions, and its a great talk to bring your significant other to! I promise this will create a lot of conversation between the 2 of you.
So this Wednesday night we are calling all High school students to REFUGE at 6:30pm. We will have night filled with great games, awesome worship, and then we will get into the questions. We hope to see a lot of students here Wednesday night!
3. Movie Night is being moved from Friday Night to Saturday Night! We are going to be watching a oldie but a goodie! We are going to be breaking out CARS! Great movie for friends to come and hang out at our house, 14075 Claire Lane. We will provide popcorn, but you need to bring your own drinks. Movie night starts at 8pm, and it will be done at 10pm. We are moving it because of the Comedy Dinner night!
We have a really busy week ahead of us but we are super pumped to be having a lot going on so students can get involved.
If you have any questions please email at cvmcadam@gmail.com
4 years ago
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