Hey there everyone, sorry I didn't get to update yesterday, but I am just super busy. Hope things are going well with you. Here are a couple big events coming up!
1. Next Wednesday morning we are going to be having our Pancakes and Prayer time, 8am at Esther and I's house. If you need directions email me at cvmcadam@gmail.com and I can give those to ya. It's a great way to start your day out. Hope to see you next week!
2. Movie night at our house on February 24th! 8pm - 10pm. We are going to be showing a great movie. The Movie we are going to be showing is: Cars! Hilarious movie, and its just a good way to spend a Friday night resting and hanging out with friends.
3. On February 29th, we are having our 6th annual Purity Ceremony. This night is going to be a great night where students and parents come together and hang out, worship, play games, and be challenged to live more deliberate lives when dealing with purity. I am going to dedicates tomorrow's blog to this event. We will be sending emails soon giving you all the details.
I hope you all have a great day.
4 years ago
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