Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tonight is the night!

Hey there everyone I hope your Wednesday is going awesome! I know mine is going to crammed full of things for tonight's Christmas Party!

So here are the details you will need to know!

When: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Where: Crystal Valley Missionary Church
What: The best Dirty Bingo Christmas Party Ever!
What to Bring: a WRAPPED, akchheeem, I said a WRAPPED gift. We are suggesting it be under 5$, but if it isn't no big deal. Also bring a snack to share with everyone!
Who to bring: ALL of your friends, but make sure they bring a wrapped, akchheeem, I said a WRAPPED gift! Also, a snack to share with everyone.
Dress attire: Tonight's theme is 70's! The winner gets a free trip to our winter camp in February!

I hope to see tons of people here tonight. Bring your friends tonight, because its going to be so stinking awesome, just a tons of fun. Octoball is set up, and we have a hilarious video before hand so don't be late!


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