Thursday, November 4, 2010

Being an Activist

Hey there everybody! Man last night was great. We had 2 great speakers come in and lead us on being an activist.

A big Thank you goes out to Kim Frost and Jon Andrews for coming in and helping us out. They are stinking awesome.

So last night we split up our Junior High and Senior high for the night. The Junior high were lead in a discussion of what it means to help and be an activist by talking over the story of the good Samaritan (Luke 10). They were challenged that even if we go out and do some awesome stuff for others but then come home and jerks to our parents, or we lie, cheat and steal. Then we are missing the point of being a Christian, we can't do good works for others, but then being a complete poopface at the same time. Doesn't work that way.

The High school students learned about human trafficking last night from Jon Andrews. We learned about Tiny Hands international who help with rescuing girls and guys from sex trafficking all over the world. It was a pretty intense night, and we are looking forward to creating something to help out. We learned that we need to be part of something bigger then ourselves, and take the focus off of me, and point it towards Christ while helping those in need.

Can't wait for next week when we go further into the activist series and talk about other organizations that we possibly could come along side.

Next week is our Destination unknown trip and we are looking forward to it. The trip is all set and ready to rock and roll, and the students are set and ready!

Please be praying for good travel weather and good times with our students!

Have an amazing day today!


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