Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last night

Hey there everyone I hope that last night was a memorable night for you! It was a hard message to talk about and I know it was to hear because its never fun thinking about sin and how it impacts our lives, but we have to face it and look to God to help us through it.

Keep praying for those students who took a stand last night and came forward, and also pray for those who stayed seated but prayed where they were at. This is the time to take a stand and move forward in your relationship with Christ.

Come next week because we have Cornerstone University coming in and we are wrapping up our series on lesser known Characters in the Bible. Next week we are talking about one of King davids Sons that went insane!

Here are some notes from last night:

**In Judges Men where their own law, so they did what they wanted

1. Adoni Bezek
- He was the man
- He was a warrior
- He was the King
- He was a JERK!

** He cut off the toes and thumbs of all the kings that he captured and made them eat bread scraps from under his table!

" What goes around comes around"

2. Doing your own thing is a slippery slope!

- Spiritual Law - We are one day going to meet our Sin.

- The stories of Jacob lying to his father, then his son lying to him!
- The story of Jonah!
- The story of the mail lady

3. What you Sow, You shall reap!

- You can't sow horrible things then pray for a crop failure!

The good News: If you sow good things for God, then you will reap an amazing blessing!

- Galatians 6: 7 - 10

I hope everyone has an awesome day!


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