So lasts night game was AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAZING!
It was so good that Esther got into it~! I know amazing. So we made our own hot wings last night and we got the B-dubs sauce and all and it was awesome! But my stomach this morning was like what were you doing last night!!!
This Wednesday we are kicking off our purity series and this series is going to be like none other! I promise you. I am so geeked for this month because I love talking about relationships and how we can honor God through them, and how we can treat our bodies as the temple of God that they are. I hope that you guys can all join us this Wednesday. I believe that our Youth group can start a new culture on Middlebury, Elkhart, Millersburg, Goshen, and all over because of how we view our relationships and honor other people with love!
Crystal Valley Youth Group I am calling us to take a stand against the sexual sins of our culture, and we start developing the culture we are in for God! We need to start with the people in our families, then with friends, then with people you sit next to in class, and so on. I believe that the God we serve is sick and tired of our lack of respect for sexuality and the tanting of pure love that our God exeplifies!
So come this Wednesday ready to start a change of thinking differently about relationships with the opposite gender, God, and how we approach dating and sex!
Parents just another reminder that on February 18th, we are going to be having a discussion about teens dating and other fun things of that nature. So please come that night we will start the discussion at 7:30 (or right after worship) and go untill 8:30. I promise I will not go past 8:30!
Hope to see everyone soon!